Make-up From R6.50 -R37.50
Bulk buying
Discount on Make-up if you buy for R1000 and more get 5% free , R2000 and
more get 10% free and R5000 and more get 20% free. All items are separate in
the bulk buying you cant buy R500 make-up and R500 handbags to get discount, items must be separately bought.
Please note prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Please do not order specifically from these pictures because we don't always have all the items available its just to give you an idea of what we have.

Discount Lingerie and Swimwear
1280 Embankment Road | Prekor Building | Centurion | South Africa
Directions via google maps:
GPS Coordinates : Latitude 25Â °51'27"S Longitude: 28Â °11'20"E
Cell: 0731477741
Tell / Fax: 0126430666
Please like our facebook page

Location: Gauteng - Pretoria
Added on 8 years ago and expires on 23 March, Ad id: 30677          72 visits